St Cross Allotment Rules

1. Leases
(i) Occupancy is on an annual basis, renewable at the discretion of the Trustees.
(ii) Rents are due each January and you will receive a renewal letter in December. If you do not pay by the date indicated, your allotment will be offered to a gardener on the waiting list.
(iii) If your plot gets too large for you, please consult a member of the Allotment Committee (please do not sublet without consulting the Allotment Committee).
(iv) Those sharing with plot holders do not establish tenancy rights.

2. Plots
(i) Please cultivate your plot regularly to avoid weeds spreading to your neighbours' allotments.
(ii) If using herbicide or pesticide sprays, use considerately and avoid spray drift onto neighbouring plots.
(iii) Keep bordering paths trimmed in agreement with adjoining plot holders. When digging over your plot, do not encroach on paths. Path widths between plots should be no less than 0.6 metres.
(iv) Remove unwanted/used items and rubbish. Avoid plots looking like a junkyard.
(v) The Allotment Committee conducts a quarterly walk about to ensure that all plots are kept in a reasonable state. If you are unable to garden for whatever reason, please notify a member of the group for advice.
(vi) If your plot remains uncultivated and neglected for three months, without explanation, you will be given two weeks notice before it is re-allocated to the next person on the waiting list.

3. Sheds
(i) Please do not put up a shed (or other structure) on your allotment - they are not permitted. Tool boxes no higher than 75cm are acceptable.

4. Entrance, walls and fences
(i) Do not scramble over the wall or fences. Please use the main gate, and keep it shut at all times to ensure animals are kept out.
(ii) The ancient flint walls have recently been repaired but remain quite fragile. Repairs are expensive, so please take care not to damage them (particularly with deliveries of manure).

5. Fruit trees
(i) You can plant a fruit tree on your allotment, but you must obtain written permission from the Trustees first.
(ii) Dwarf root stock only is to be used. Members of the Allotment Committee are very willing to advise on varieties, local nurseries and pruning.
(iii) Trees planted by plot holders and their predecessors should not be allowed to grow higher than 2 metres. Existing mature trees should be should not exceed 3 metres
(iv) Existing trees are part of the gardens' landscape and should not be cut down. (Please speak to a member of the Committee before cutting down any trees).

6. Dogs
(i) Dogs can cause problems for other allotment holders by walking across seed beds and fouling. If you bring your dog with you, please take care not to allow it to stray or cause a nuisance to others.

7. Children
(i) Gardening is a marvellous family occupation, but children must always be accompanied and remain the responsibility of a parent or accompanying adult.
(ii) Small children can become bored and run around, sometimes over other people's plots, and this can cause damage. Please don't let this happen.
(iii) Parents, please be aware that the silt in the river is deceptively deep, making it very dangerous for children playing on the banks.

8. Sale of produce
(i) It is not permitted to sell produce grown on the allotments.